Sunday, November 9, 2008

Elizabeth's August Pie - CUTIE PIE!

For the month of August, I finished growing a human in my belly. When he was done, I pushed him out. Here is my Cutie Pie:

What?? You say that's cheesy? Well, just think of what I could have written:

Take 1 cup cuteness, 2 tablespoons adorable, 3 1/2 teaspoons sweet cheeks, and a dash of grumpy. Bake for 9 months. Yield: One fabulous baby!

So thank your lucky stars, chump.

(Dedicated to Luke Nielson, one serious cutie pie, born August 12, 2008)


ferskner said...

I don't know that I've ever hated you more than I do right now. Seriously, this is worse than the time that you pretended to have saved all the cherries from every sundae you'd ever had. Or the time that you convinced me that Colin was a bad word so I couldn't say my second-grade student teacher's name. Or that time that you gave birth to Julia. Pure. Hate.

ferskner said...

By the way, isn't there a rule about there being a handmade crust? Maybe I don't want to know the answer to that...

Elizabeth said...

Shut your pie hole!

Jules said...

Personally I am very impressed with this pie. It's like the ultimate specialty pie.

DeskSet said...

Luckily, when I went with Ferskner to visit her sister for Thanksgiving, there was still a little bit of this pie left. Sorry Ferskner, after playing with not just one but four cutie pies all week long, I have to declare Elizabeth as the official year of pie winner.

Thanks again for letting me come visit, Listle!

ferskner said...

Remember when we were talking the other day and you couldn't remember Luke's birthday? I'm glad this post exists to help us.

Elizabeth said...

Hahaha! So true.