Two of my short kids and one very tall friend
Ann noticed that Luke has two different shoes on (pretty common at our house). Good eye, Printer!
This time I asked the worker to give me the best cookie in the place. He gave me four kolachies.
They were filled with apricot and raspberry jams. They were better than other Tiffany's items I've tasted (even the sugar cookies are lousy. The SUGAR COOKIES! How can you go wrong with a sugar cookie?), but the kolachies weren't all that great either. They didn't have good flavor, and they weren't flaky.
All in all, it was a fun trip with the kids, but as far as a "cookie run," it wasn't very satisfying.
There is another bakery about 3 minutes farther down the road. Its offerings are quite good, but very expensive. We'll go there another Friday after school and review the cookies. It might require a subsidy of some sort. I'll make the kids hold up cardboard signs on the corner, and I'll post about that too.